Screw Work Let’s Play

May 1 and it’s day 1 of my second 30 Day Challenge. Led by John Williams and Selina Barker this kick-ass online community for creative individuals needing some motivation for their inspiration really gets those ideas that have been brewing over a period of weeks/months/years, off the mental to do list and out into the real world.  For the next 30 days, I am one of 200 people who are making their dreams and ideas happen.  So… here I am with my own personal challenge… to create something every day for 30 days.  My pledge is to put creativity at the forefront of my daily life, with a view (in the bigger scheme of things) to inspiring others to do the same.

Having signed up for the 30DC a month ago, I spent the past month thinking, planning, anticipating today… the first day of The Challenge.  I had a clear picture in my mind of what I wanted to produce on this, the first day… and yet, here I am at my computer, writing my blog entry at 10.30pm, waiting for the ink to dry on a little piece of art that is very different from what I had envisioned.  It is a small, simple, black and white piece that expresses my feelings today…open-hearted, fearful, excited.  So, I am already learning important lessons… learning to go with the flow, expect the unexpected, not worry if things don’t turn out as planned, and remain open to all possibilities.

Here’s to the next 30 days and whatever they hold in store…

13 thoughts on “Screw Work Let’s Play

  1. Oh lala! c est magique, j adore ce que tu fais et les tatouages sont géniaux…..want to wake up with thé same on my body……especially Fear….my middle name….

    go sister go…you are a star……love love love.

    • Thank you dear Salia. I am sure it could be arranged… for you to wake up one morning with these words upon your skin.

      I am enjoying giving myself permission to create… it feels like a gift to myself. The fear is still there… fear of putting pen to paper, fear of creating something I do not like, fear of sharing whatever I do create with the wider world. However, I am learning valuable lessons… trying not to focus on the end result, enjoying the process and relishing that delicious feeling of mark-making and movement.

      Nice to have you back in London. x

  2. wow Julia, this is so inspiring! I first started snooping around your pages as I saw this image and for a second thought you had had some kick ass massive arm tattoos! I love what you are doing – I have a massive want to body paint you as part of this project, when i come back to London we should definitely make a collaboration.

  3. What a great, fab and positive challenge. And what an inspiring piece of art. So so so full of joy and possibilities and so to the point to. So often we het stuck with what we think something or someone SHOULD be that we forget to let things flow and be and see them for what they are, often beautiful.

    I will follow your efforts daily.

    Sarah (Ari’s mum) x

    • Thank you for your words of encouragement Sarah. I feel I am on a positive journey and feel excited about where it may take me. I spent a little time over at your wonderful uplifting blog too and will be returning there again soon to take more time. x

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