A little visual exercise yesterday… mapping my creative journey from where I am to where I would like to be.
Here’s where I am:
There is lots going on… a jumble of ideas, all overlapping and interwoven… my colourful creative life; little pockets of clarity and green lights. Darkness descends sometimes, moving in from the front, just above my eyes, travelling up over the back of my head, moving down, throwing shadows here and there till my shoulders are tight.
Heart is there, big and bold, but sitting in my throat! Layers of projects, all varied and mask-like; each with their own tone; their own voice. At the core, the light of optimism shines so bright.
And on… to how I want to feel; where I would like to be with my creativity:
Here, where I want to be, the light inside is illuminating my entire being. There is blue-sky clarity and growth; wide-reaching; self-expressing; bright-eyed; big-smile expansion outwards and upwards; looking forwards in glorious technicolour.
Oh yes, this is where I am setting my sights.
What does the here and there look like in your head?
Will you share it with me please?
I dare you to draw it out! x